Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Over the past few weeks at the Gathering we have been studying Philippians. This past sunday one of our campus pastors was talking about her 1 year old son, and about when he gets happy he throws himself into her and smashes his face into her body. That is his way of rejoicing. She continued by talking about how even though there is still so much crap in this world, we are called to REJOICE!

We as humans do enough complaining as it is. When tragedy strikes, rejoicing is the last thing we want to do, which is why it's so important. The hardest things to do are the things most worth it. That has been what I have been trying to work on this week; is rejoicing even when you don't want to. God deserves our praise always, especially when we don't want to give it.

Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again: Rejoice!"

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Prayer room

There is this building on my campus that is right next to my dorm, and inside there is a litte room called the prayer room. It's really small but very relaxing and homey. There are lights around the room, altars, benches and chairs. There are things all around the room on the walls, just encouraging words, bible verses or sayings. There are drawings and pieces of art that students have made all over the room also. There are a whole bunch of Bibles, ones in like every translation In the room too. My favorite thing though are the journals. There are journals dating all the way back to some of the first Hope students. In these journals are lots of different things; some have prayers in them, some have stories and some are just people writing their thoughts. My friend Ali took me here one day when I was feeling down and after my experience I keep coming back. There usually aren't alot of people in there because it's always open so there is a lot of time people can go and be in there. It's so encouraging to be in this room, not only because of all the prayers and words of encouragement all over the room but it's amazing to see some of your classmates in there as well. This is now one of my favorite places on campus because it's so peaceful. It is the PERFECT place to be with God. It's the perfect place to realize you are not alone in your walk with Christ. It is the most relaxing place on campus. Sometimes I go in there just to lay down and listen to worship music; it's that comfortable and relaxing. I am so blessed to be at this school; because of all the amazing places, things and people here. PTL!!