Friday, January 14, 2011

looking around..

Here I am..

Holland, MI
JP's coffee shop.

Here I am, sitting and looking around..

Sometimes I wish one day I see my Grandpa Zeke walk through the door, to grab a cup of coffee before he goes on with his day. Then he would see one of his grandchildren; the grandchild that is trying to continue his legacy at Hope College. Then he would embrace me in a hug and tell me how proud of me he is and that he loves me..

I thank God for giving me every second I spent with my grandpa, but it's times like this where I wish I had a little bit more..

I love you Grandpa Zeke, and I miss you so much.

Proverbs 3:5-6

A rush away from a place; an attempt to escape...

That is the definition of a break : a rush away from a place; an attempt to escape. That's exactly what my Christmas Break was. It was a time to escape from all the stress and craziness of college. It was such a blessing to be able to go home and speak about a month with my family and friends. Experiencing Christmas and New Years with all the people I love back home :) I had so many heart felt conversations and interactions throughout my break. Now sitting in a coffee shop back at school, I look back at my break and thank God I didn't take my family and friends for granted. Being away from home all the time, you tend to develop this unconditional appreciation and love for things and people you took for granted at some point.

I am so blessed to have the most amazing parents a person could ask for.

The strangest, most wonderful sister a girl could ever want.

The most unbelievable and ridiculous blessing called best friends!

Old memories reminisced, and new ones made.

Time with family.

The celebration of the new year approaching.

If 2011 is going to be anything like 2010 was.. wow I am one very blessed person.