Monday, April 19, 2010

Hillsong United

This past weekend I went to the Hillsong United concert in Chicago. I went with my my sister and three of my best friends. We all met at my house before leaving and we were pretty dang hyper and excited. Then we had the 2 1/2 hour car ride, but we had plenty of great music and some even better conversations, so it went by pretty quickly. We finally arrived at the Sears Centre and had to wait another hour before the doors even opened. While waiting in our seats I wa talking to Eden about our seats and how they weren't the greatest but she reassured me that there really wasn't a bad seat in this place. So once it started I didn't really worry about it too much anymore. First off, they are from Austrailia and so every time anyone of them talked it made me really happy cause they're accents were so tight! The third song they played was 'take it all' and of course all five of us got low on parts and did out little dances from GSM, it was awesome! It was absolutely inspiring to look around and see 10,000 people worshipping Christ right along with you. It was like nothing I have ever seen before, I'm so used to worshipping with my friends at church or at GSM and that's like a few hundred, but have ten thousand people lifting their hands to Christ and pouring their hearts out in worship was indescribable. One thing that really got to me was during one song I just sat down in my seat and watched people. More specifically I watched the people on the floor. All in front of the stage there were huge crowds of people on half of the floor but the other half was pretty much empty with a few random 15-20 people just scattered by themselves. Those people gave me chills, the way they worshipped was like nothing I had ever seen. Their passion to just be closer to God was inspiring. There were people falling on their knees in worship and dancing around and just giving everything they had. Earlier that night I was so bummed out that we weren't on the floor and I thought we had bad seats but by this time I was so thankful to God for putting us where he did. If I would have been on the floor that night I would not have experienced what I did and been blessed like I was. That concert was a life changing experience. Thank you Jesus!!

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