Saturday, November 28, 2009

Home is never too far away...

This thanksgiving was a bit different than others. We usually spend thanksgiving with the Ditto side of the family, but my dad had knee surgery the day before. So instead we went to my favorite place (aka. Holland, Michigan) to spend it with my moms side. We had an amazing day with my fabulous aunt, my great uncle who just got home from Israel, and my four fantastic cousins.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, (and that's not because it's an entire day of eating) but its because you get to spend it with amazing people. I have been so fortunate with the family I have been blessed with. There is no better way to start a thanksgiving meal, then to gather around the table, grab hands with your loved ones, and thank God for everything he has given you. I have been blessed with a heathly, supportive, loving family who helps to guide me in my walk with Christ.

One of the big reasons why I wanted to go to Hope college, was because of the fact that it is 5 minutes down the road from this amazing family. My mom and aunt kathy were raised by my inspiring grandpa to praise the Lord in everything you do. They are both amazingly strong women in their faith, and inspire many people. Also, with my Uncle being an outstanding pastor at a church right nearby Hope, there is plenty of love in their house. One of my biggest fears in leaving for college is leaving my supportive family, and my church. But I now know that even by leaving my mom, dad and sister I will be moving to be with a family that closely resembles my own immediate family. So unlike most freshmen, I'm not worried about not having the support or encouragment I'll need in my first year in college. I'm excited for what God has planned for me in this new exciting chapter in my life.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Blind Side..

I'm in an English class called Sports Literature this year, which is an amazing class. Everything we watch, read, listen to or get involved with has to do with sports in some way. :) So the first book we started to read is called "The Blind Side" by Michael Lewis. It's all about a guy named Michael Oher, who now plays professional football for the Baltimore Ravens. It's his life story, and it's an extraordinary story. If books aren't your thing, NO WORRIES, it's becoming a movie that comes out November 20th. (I get to go see it as a field trip... soooo pumped.) :) here's the trailer, check it out...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"The No Name Group..."

Meet Skoutz and Rhino. These girls are amazing. They are my mentors. Every moment I spend with them is PRICELESS. A few months ago we decided to kind of form a small group, even though we never came up with a name for our group. Ha. We sat at our favorite place, Starbucks, and tried to decide what we wanted to study. We started in Romans and then slowly moved to Proverbs. But this wasn't just any ordinary small group. Yes, we studied the bible together. Prayed together. But we also just did life together, and still are. These two women are my HEROES. They are the greatest role models a girl could have. They have helped me out with school, BOYS, friends, parents. I know I can turn to these two for anything. I have had SOOO many talks with Allison (Rhino) about everything she is like my other older sister. Then on our way to visit Rhino, Skoutz and I talked for 3 hours there and back about issues in our lives and what God was showing us in our lives and so much more. I can have some amazing times with these two individually, but when we are together... CRAZINESS. These two beautiful ladies are two of my best friends, my sisters, my role models, my mentors, and my heroes. I thank God for bringing these two amazing woman into my life. I'm so thankful for all of the experiences I have had with them, and so thankful for all they have taught me. Thanks Rhino and Skoutz for EVERYTHING. I love you guys!

Shelter: Psalm 91...

My favorite part of these trips is being with all the kids. We spend time with pretty much 2 groups of kids. There are the Monantial/Imperio De Amor kids from the children's homes like Flor(below) and then the Cadareyta kids like Nacho(above.) These kids are some of the most energetic and loving kids you will ever meet. Even though we cannot understand eachother verbally, the body language we share speaks louder than any words could. It's awesome to see some of the same kids every year, and even better when some actually remember you! It amazes me everytime I go how kids who have so little, have so much love to give. Their attitudes inspire me to be a better person myself. God's light just shines so bright through these kids. We go there to pour into them and to help them, but along with us doing that they do the same for us. These children will always hold a special place in my heart and my prayers.

I have spent a week in Monterrey, Mexico for the past 3 summers and every year is different. A group of high schoolers and leaders from GCC go down to Monterrey every summer and partner with an organization called Back2Back. The first two years I went, it really stretched me and made me learn alot about myself. God taught me all sorts of things that changed my life when I returned home. This summer was a little different. Of course I learned stuff about myself and my team. But this summer God taught me more about himself then anything. The theme this summer was Shelter based off of Psalm 91. We studied it throughout the whole week and were challenged to really think about shelter and how we perceive it. Through ALOT of prayer throughout the whole week and time with my small group I left Mexico that Saturday with a whole new perspective of God and the shelter he gives us. Mexico is the one place that stretches me more than anywhere else I wouldn't change my experiences there for anything.

the greatest place on earth...

AH Camp Adventure.. just hearing the name gives me chills. Now if you don't know about CA, I'm going to tell you a little bit about it. I have gone to camp ever since I was in 6th grade, which was also the year when I gave my life to Christ for the first time. Every year since I learn more and more and get tested more as well. Camp is a place where I get the chance to share my expierences from past years with middle schoolers. It's a chance to do things like; Paintball, Canoe, Blob, High Ropes, Valley Games and a Slip n Slide with my co counselor and our group of kids. I was a camper for 4 years and a counselor for the last 3 years. I have met some of the greatest people who have changed my life and made some relationships, where they are some of my absolute best friends. To be able to worship my Savior like CRAZY with my best friends..
can it get any better? Wow. now I REALLY want to go to camp.

This was probably one of my favorite years of camp. I was tested, pushed, and shaped in many different ways. I had the honor of being in my favorite cabin again...CEDAR with the great Maddie Helman! 2 amazing years with that amazing girl in that awesome cabin. I CE YUR DARR! I was also once again in the greatest cluster ever.. OXFORD with some of my best friends! I was also so blessed with an AMAZING co counselor this year, who happens to be one of my oldest and closest friends.. JUSTIN HOLLAND. I was soooooo excited when I found out he was my co co, because I automatically realized how much fun we were going to have! Justin has been my friend since 3rd grade, so you could say we have been through pretty much everything. So this year at camp, Justin and I got the chance to push eachother to be the people God made us to be and we knew we eachother could be. We hold eachother accountable for things we learned at camp and appy when we got back home. We are both seniors this year, and we knew it was going to be one of the most memoriable years but also one of the hardest, so it's great that we have eachother to lean on. We had some pretty crazy adventures at camp, all the way from almost being attacked by something the night before the campers came, to me NAILING him in the middle of the head in paintball :) but we also go the opportunity to worship side by side and share our testimonies and our life experiences with some amazing middle schoolers, and for that I am forever grateful. Before camp I prayed really hard for God to really test me this year, and with Justin that definitely happened, and for that I am so grateful to J himself but also our our fantastic directors who put us together.

Another way I was tested was by the group of kids that I had. The girls that I had were so amazing but they did not go to GCC and had never been to camp before, so I was a little worried about how they would adapt to camp life. Most of the campers that go to camp also go to our church and have already experienced how we worship and how we do things at camp but my girls had no idea. But my girls were so open minded about everything and had no problem adapting at all! First night of worship I was so impressed with how fast my girls caught onto the energy we have during worship. The Lord blessed me with the sweetest girls and the most hilarious boys! Justin and I never had a dull moment with our kids, that's for sure. The second day of camp, one of my girls broke her nose on the blob, so there was another opportunity for God to test me. But with the GREATEST directors, the CRAZIEST group of counselors, a FANTASTIC co counselor, and the PRESENCE and POWER of Jesus Christ, I had one of the greatest years at camp!! (: