Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"The No Name Group..."

Meet Skoutz and Rhino. These girls are amazing. They are my mentors. Every moment I spend with them is PRICELESS. A few months ago we decided to kind of form a small group, even though we never came up with a name for our group. Ha. We sat at our favorite place, Starbucks, and tried to decide what we wanted to study. We started in Romans and then slowly moved to Proverbs. But this wasn't just any ordinary small group. Yes, we studied the bible together. Prayed together. But we also just did life together, and still are. These two women are my HEROES. They are the greatest role models a girl could have. They have helped me out with school, BOYS, friends, parents. I know I can turn to these two for anything. I have had SOOO many talks with Allison (Rhino) about everything she is like my other older sister. Then on our way to visit Rhino, Skoutz and I talked for 3 hours there and back about issues in our lives and what God was showing us in our lives and so much more. I can have some amazing times with these two individually, but when we are together... CRAZINESS. These two beautiful ladies are two of my best friends, my sisters, my role models, my mentors, and my heroes. I thank God for bringing these two amazing woman into my life. I'm so thankful for all of the experiences I have had with them, and so thankful for all they have taught me. Thanks Rhino and Skoutz for EVERYTHING. I love you guys!

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